![]() Customer Support Center
Welcome to our Customer Information Tech Support Center. Here you can find help with answers to questions you may have regarding setting up and maintaining your Rainier Satellite / SkyView Television experience. We have categorized each information section with the universal color coding of...
...to signify the importance of each information section. Red is is critical. If you're a new customer when you see this arrow Please read the documents and view video's fully before contacting tech support. Many problems you may be encountering can be resolved with the information found here. If you need help beyond the information found here please contact us at: customercare@rainiersatellite.com If your a current Rainier Subscriber you can call us at 509-486-4137 from 10 AM - 4 PM, Monday - Friday, Pacific Time for a live agent. After hours please leave a message. This service is free for Rainier customers who purchaced products from us. Technical assistance for a Non Rainier customers is available also for a $85.00 pay per incident (call) basis fee.
Status | Support | Technical Database